Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Back by popular demand

While I was getting timstotz.com first started (not that it’s finished now. I have all the Ones in place, but I’m still waiting on some Zeros that are on backorder), I dummied up a page real quick-like. I threw some different types of files on the server to check a few things: speed, compatibility, if I remembered how to use GoLive or not.
I didn’t really have any images on my laptop because all my fancy high falutin’ design stuff was on external hard drives, so I grabbed pretty much the only image I could find: a Hallowe’en pic of my friend Jason in a Gorilla suit, playing the bongos, and me in a pirate costume.
Well, despite not being done, timstotz.com has a basic skeleton up I’m pretty proud of. So I emailed all my friends and asked their opinions. Everybody was ok with the page, but many of them asked, “Where’s the Pirate?”
Flattering? Sure. Nice to know my friends enjoy the drunken pirate version of me.
Disheartening? Damn Straight! I worked hard on that page. “Where’s the Pirate?” is the only comment you have?
So here’s the bad news. I think Pirate Tim fits into timstotz.com about as well as wearing that costume would fit into my day-to-day life.
But my ‘Blog is a different sitch.

Two little footnotes:
1. Yeah, it’s quite possible that the peoples really want to see Jason in the monkey suit. ‘Cause, hey: Monkey! And who doesn’t like bongo-playing monkeys? I don’t want to meet the cold-hearted bastard whose heart pumps piss.
2. Between the Pirate pic, and the Crazy Backwards Pants Pic, I may not come off, how should I say it, “Straight.” But I am. Hear that, Ladies?

So, thanks for reading the hardest working blog in Show Businesses.

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