Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You’re just a passionate…jerk

I don’t watch reality TV. But I do watch morning news programs (Lord help me. I almost typed “Progrum”).
It pisses me off that with wars, and disastrous storms bearing down on us, that a recap of these reality shows constitutes news. But that’s not even my main beef.
I’m so sick of these, entitled, self-centered, amoral, shifty, assholes who are intolerable to watch on these shows (from what I can see in the clips and commercials) who come back and say—invariably and universally—about there vein throbbing outbursts and Homeric incivility: “I’m just a passionate person.”
What’s with that? They all say that. Dude. That’s not passionate. That’s a personality disorder. You’re nut passionate; you’re just a jerk.
Here’s hopin’ you get through your day able to avoid people with personality disorders…here’s me knowing that’s impossible in this great land of ours.

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